The Merasy
Modified Nova-Drive 3-Z Light Freighter

This joint-effort project was developed by "B.M.K.", and Frank Bonura, with help from
Lee Jones. The 3-Z freighter is based on the original artwork from page 46 of "The STAR
WARS Planets Collection"
drawn by John Paul Lona, and was also inspired by exterior
artwork from page 33 of "STAR WARS -- Stock Ships" drawn by Christina Wald.

Official Stats and Capsule from "STAR WARS -- Stock Ships" page 36, Written by:
Pablo Hidalago, Steve Miller, Timothy s. O'Brien, Paul Sudlow, and Eric S. Trautmann.

The Merasy

Craft: Nova-Drive 3-Z
Type: Light freighter
Scale: Starfighter
Length: 28 meters
Skill: Space transports
Crew: 2
Passengers: 3
Cargo Capacity: 200 metric tons
Consumables: 2 month
Cost: 22,000 (used)
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrive Backup: x15
Nav Computer: Yes
Maneuverability: 1D
Space: 4
Atmosphere: 280; 800 kmh
Hull: 4D+2
Shields: 3D
     Passive. 20/OD
     Scan: 30/1D
     Search: 40/1D+2
     Focus: 2/2D
     Two Laser Cannons
          Fire Arc: Front, right, back
          Crew: 1(co-pilot)
          Skill: Starship gunnery
          Fire Control: 1D
          Space Range: 1-3/12/25
          Atmosphere Range: 100-300/1.2/2.5 kmh*
          Damage: 3D

*Note: There is a typo on page 36 of "STAR WARS Stock Ships". The atmosphere range of the Merasy's laser cannons should read km (kilometers) NOT kmh (kilometers per hour).

History: The original owner of the Merasy was a Corellian merchant named Iep Tumu. Tumu was a bad trader and tried to make ends meet by doing a little smuggling on the side. He was even worse at this, and forfeited his ship to Brentaalan authorities as part of his criminal sentence. Tumu was a terrible mechanic and made no modifications to the ship. In fact, it had to be completely re-tuned and overhauled to be sold at auction. The neglect left the poor ship with an annoying acceleration vibration that mechanics have been unable to track down and repair.
     The Merasy was purchased at auction by a sharp Khil trader named Geld Bernar. Bernar made a series of profitable long-distance runs, each providing him with valuable contacts in expanding markets. To facilitate these long trips, Bernar had the ship's consumables capacity extended by 50 percent and installed state-of-the-art entertainment and library computers. Bernar also bought several highly up-to-date astrogation charts, including secret corporate and military routes, cutting days off his transit times. After several years of reliable performance, Bernar sold his ship to invest in a high-speed shipping enterprise.
     The Merasy is currently owned by Vacasor, a third rate Devaronian merchant-captain who is slowly circumnavigating Known Space in an ongoing exploration of the Rim Worlds. Vacasor is aided by his co-pilot, Naneb Pefan, an Ithorian trader of considerable experience. Naneb could sell sand on Tatooine, and is the only reason Vacasor hasn't gone bankrupt yet. Vacasor converted most of the remaining passenger space into cargo holds to up the profit margin on his runs. Naneb demanded the replacement of the shield system, since Vacasor insists on using ill-patrolled secondary and tertiary routes infested with pirates. The ship may yet wind up on another auction block soon, since Vacasor can barely keep the ship running on the hair-thin profit margins he brings in.

Modifications: The Merasy has a modestly upgraded shield projector, and the hull was reinforced when most of the passenger space was converted to cargo space. Although the Merasy has occasionally carried some contraband, she has no smuggling compartment or other favorite smuggler modifications. The ship has a lengthy running time, due to Bernar's modifications, and an excellent data-library.

· Due to a filing error the Merasy is still noted as a smuggler's ship in Brentaalan (and thus Imperial) criminal records. If the ships registry is researched she may be tagged as a suspected smuggling ship on a Difficult investigation roll.

· Bernar was obsessive about logging his travels. His backup astrogation charts are still hidden in the ship's computer, and contain high-speed routes not usually available to civilians.

· Vacasor hasn't stuck to any kind of maintenance schedule, so the systems are a bit frayed and unreliable. Most worrisome is the ever-increasing acceleration vibration, which had nearly vanished under Bernar's maintenance. This vibration might be harmless, but might indicate a dangerous situation; maybe the engine mounts are working loose, or the inertial dampers are failing.

Interior Layout: The Merasy is divided into three main areas: central, starboard, and port. The headroom throughout most of the main deck is up to 7'. Around the majority of the perimeter of the ship, lies a series of lateral repulsors like most Corellian YT transports. Under the main deck are the subdeck crawl spaces. Subdeck headroom is up to 3' in height, and is accessed from various grilles throughout the ship, and from the loading ramp. The subdeck houses the landing gear boxes, main repulsors, some of the ship's fuel supply, and some of the consumables;

Central Compartments:

Lift Room: Primary access into the ship is made via the main lift in the center of the bow. This lift has been designed with pivots on the pistons to allow the front end to be lowered independently of the rear end, thus allowing it to be used as a ramp for quick entry, exit, or lowered completely to function as a cargo lift.
Forward Airlock: Located forward of the lift room, this area is suitable for space walks and ship-to-ship docking. Outside the airlock is the docking equipment and couplers.
Central Cargo Hold: Located aft of the lift room, this area has been enlarged by the removal of the stock common room and head. It is the primary staging area for cargo being transferred into and out of the ship. This hold contains gratings for servicing access. There are two large doors to either side of this hold for cargo movement to the port and starboard holds respectively, the center of the front wall has double-pocket doors leading to the main/lift room, to either side of this door further forward are two small doors which lead into the crew areas at the bow of the ship. At the center of the aft wall is the door leading into the engine room.
Crew Areas: These areas are separated into a starboard and port sections by the lift room and airlock. See starboard and port compartments below for more information.
Engine Room: Located aft of the central hold, this is the largest compartment on the ship. This room is accessed from one door in the central hold and two doors in the starboard and port holds respectively. At the center of this room sits the power core. In front of the core is a control panel and a series of access grates. It is flanked on either side by the four ion drive and thruster assemblies. The central thruster assemblies provide forward thrust through the primary filaments, while two outer thruster assemblies snake around to either side to feed into the port and starboard filaments; providing additional thrust as well as enhanced maneuvering. Mounted atop the side ion drives are the shield generators and controllers. In the forward corners of the engine room are a series of small fuel tanks and fuel management systems, the far forward corners are filled up with wire trunks. In the far port and starboard corners of the engine room are contoured fuel tanks. Trailing behind the engine room, in the hyperdrive compartments, are the primary and back-up hyperdrives, as well as their related management/control equipment. These compartments can be accessed from outside the ship by way of a hatch in the side of the compartment, there is enough room just inside this hatch for an average sized person or an astromech droid to fit with the hatch closed. Set into the external side walls of the hyperdrive compartments are a series of heat shields.

GAME NOTES: This ship is equipped with a decentralized hyperdrive system. If both units are in working order, the ship has a hyperdrive rating of X2. If only one of these units are working, the ship functions at its backup speed of X15.

Starboard Compartments:

Starboard Crew Areas: Entered from the central hold.
Common Room: This area is located at the bow of the ship instead of its stock location, and serves as the primary socialization and recreation area, as well as the ship's galley (kitchen). It contains: a table with seating for five, a food processor, a state of the art entertainment center and library computer.
Starboard Hallway: Located forward of the central is a hallway leading to the starboard crew quarters, common room and the access to the ship's life support equipment and consumables.
Starboard Crew Quarters: The compartment has a padded, fully-integrated triple bunk, and two closets.
Starboard Hold: This area is accessed from the central hold by way of a large cargo access door. This hold has wall padding on most surfaces. In the center of the hold are gratings for service access. Amidst this grating is the starboard hyperdrive pit. Along the wall are two doors leading into the engine room. On the far outer wall are two large access panels into the starboard gun/equipment compartment. Immediately below these access panels are two grates over the compartment's main power junction from the core.
Life Support room: Located at the front end of the hold, the compartment houses life support equipment and consumables. This compartment is accessed by way of a hallway in the starboard crew area. Adjacent to the life support room is the starboard hyperdrive fluid tank.

Port Compartments:

Port Crew Areas: Entered from the central hold through the port hallway.
Port Hallway: Located forward of the central hold, this hallway connecting the port crew quarters, the head (bathroom), escape pod access, and door into the port hold.
Port Crew Quarters: This compartment has a padded, fully-integrated double bunk, a closet, and a desk with a padded chair.
Head (Bathroom): This area is located at the bow of the ship instead of its stock location, and features two toilets, a sink, and a shower.
Escape Pod Access: This passage is an airlock between the port hallway of the port crew area and the escape pod tube.
Port Hold: Most of the areas in the port hold are directly mirrored from the starboard hold, save the following differences. At the front of the port hold is a designated NO LOAD area which serves as the cockpit escape route to the escape pod. It runs from the base of the cockpit access stairs to a door into the port hallway of the crew area. Just forward of this is the escape pod. To the left of the escape pod is an access panel leading under the cockpit, this area is largely empty except for some of primary control and management connections to the cockpit, otherwise it is a perfect area for expansion and upgrades.
Escape Pod Tube: Mounted in this area is a standard Nova-Drive Z-series 10-seat lifeboat, in it's launch tube. The escape pod is accessed through the port hallway of the crew area. When ejected, the cover over the escape pod breaks away (via explosive charges) from the ship allowing the pod to exit. Adjacent to the escape pod tube is the port hyperdrive fluid tank.
Cockpit: Accessed by way of a curving set of stairs. Once inside the cockpit, there are equipment bays to either side. There are two grates in the floor over the primary connections from the cockpit to the rest of the ship. The cockpit seats four, the pilot, co-pilot, and two others. The cockpit has a Corellian YT transport style full wrap-around console featuring multiple displays and monitors. Some of the sensor management systems are placed in the nose of the cockpit. Avionics systems (starboard), and circuit breakers (port), are located in rooms behind the cockpit.