Check here for important site announcements, updates, progress reports, and corrections to the content of this site. You can also learn more about the history of the Star Wars® Deckplans Alliance site on this server. Log entries date back to April of 2002 when we first opened this present site on this server. Specific history of the Star Wars® Deckplans Alliance prior to the move here was lost when the previous server disappeared without a trace and without notice. We apologize for the absence of this specific information. Select from the menu a specific year or scroll down to view all entries. Thank you for taking interest in our history.
Revisions and additions to the Tenloss Syndicate Hornet Interceptor Research Paper have been posted.
Revisions and additions to the Tenloss Syndicate Hornet Interceptor Research Paper have been posted.
Added a new question, and answer to the Questions and Answers with Star Wars® Authors Archive in our Research section.
Added a new question, and answer to the Questions and Answers with Star Wars® Authors Archive in our Research section.
Added two new questions, and answers to the Questions and Answers with Star Wars® Authors Archive in our Research section.
Added a new question, and answer to the Questions and Answers with Star Wars® Authors Archive in our Research section.
A research paper studying issues with the Tenloss Syndicate Hornet Interceptor has been posted.
Revisions and corrections to the text, HTML, stats, and descriptions for the SoroSuub Nella 330 Heavy Scout have been posted.
New and revised SoroSuub Corporate Logo (Old Republic Era and Imperial Era) posted. For more information refer to “Star Wars® Sourcebook”, First Edition page 81, or Second Edition page 82 under “SoroSuub Corporation Proclamation Number 137d”.
New Tenloss Syndicate Corporate Logo posted.
Tenloss Syndicate added to Starfighter Gallery.
Revisions and corrections to the text, HTML, stats, and descriptions for the SoroSuub Nella 342 Light Freighter have been posted.
Revisions and corrections to the text, HTML, stats, and descriptions for the SoroSuub Nella 352 Light Freighter have been posted.
Added a new question, and answer to the Questions and Answers with Star Wars® Authors Archive in our Research section.
Added a new question, and answer to the Questions and Answers with Star Wars® Authors Archive in our Research section.
Added a new question, and answer to the Questions and Answers with Star Wars® Authors Archive in our Research section.
Added a new question, and answer to the Questions and Answers with Star Wars® Authors Archive in our Research section.
Added a new question, and answer to the Questions and Answers with Star Wars® Authors Archive in our Research section.
Revisions and corrections to the text, HTML, stats, and descriptions for the INCOM A-24 Sleuth have been posted.
Revisions and corrections to the text, HTML, stats, and descriptions for the Black Butcher: Nova-Drive Modified Light Freighter have been posted.
Revisions and corrections to the artwork on deck 1 of the Barloz-class Medium Freighter have been posted. Corrections were made in the Forward Landing Gear Compartments. Hydraulic landing gear plumbing was optimized to facilitate optional equipment and new service covers for access to the forward landing struts were installed to prevent loading damage to the chassis, possibly resulting in explosive decompression.
Revisions to the exterior of the Barloz-class Medium Freighter have been posted. Corrections were made to laser cannon clearance issues when firing upon a rear target.
Revisions to the Mid Sagittal Section of the Barloz-class Medium Freighter have been posted.
Revisions to the exterior of the Barloz-class Medium Freighter have been posted.
Added new and old questions, answers, and a followup to the Questions and Answers with Star Wars® Authors Archive in our Research section.
Correction to artwork on the lower deck of Accuser Modified Class 720 Light Freighter. Added a sink with dispensers to brig (prisoner cell) for humanitarian and sanitation purposes.
Added new Questions and Answers with Star Wars® Authors Archive to our Research section.
Added and corrected text to lower deck descriptions of the Ghtroc 720 Light Freighter.
Happy new year.
I guess you have been wondering where we have been for over three years. Please let me bring you up to speed.
Exhausted from years of contending with other RPG groups, fighting with other deckplan sites over the theft of intellectual property, and debating people who actually like the Prequels, we as an organization sorely needed a break. We realized there were bigger problems that needed our attention so we shifted our focus.
We had been running a new SWDA forum, in complete secret, since we seceded from the old forum. In this new place of solitude a smaller group of us continued our research and study of all things Star Wars®.
One of the greatest lessons we learned managing the new forum is that all topics should be allowed on the table thus heated arguments about religion and politics should not be hampered censored or restricted in any way. We realized the fires and passions of argument eventually go out and in the long run the sense of freedom to say whatever whenever prevailed. Overall it was a successful experiment in liberty and communications.
Yet another discovery we made was the severity of the fatal turn the Star Wars® community had taken in the past decade. We noticed that since the Prequels the number of Star Wars® fans in general were drying up. Furthermore since the 2008 “Clone Wars” movie, infighting and departure of additional Star Wars® fans were on the increase.
“ Star Wars® is hemorrhaging fans. ” — Charles Rothberg (Original SWDA Webmaster)
We likewise discovered the “Pen and Paper” roleplaying community was in dangerous decline. The number of RPG campaigns and activity on RPG forums was no where as active as seen in the 1990s.
Our conclusions were that the “snowball effect” was eroding the Star Wars® fan-base due to the mounting problems with continuity between the Old Trilogy and Prequel Trilogy compounded by the even bigger continuity problems formed between the Prequel Trilogy and the new Clone Wars Series. A massive age gap has begun to form in the Star Wars® fan-base. Of those who remain, they are mostly composed of an older demographic of 30 to 40 year olds who favor the Old Trilogy and very young viewers who follow the CGI movie and TV series.
We thus concluded George Lucas had made his own bed on May 19, 1999 and would eventually have to lay in it. We as an organization could not stop the destruction of Star Wars® from that end of the equation but we could work with surviving fans to preserve the Star Wars® of old and raise the bar from the bottom up. To this end, we present to you our latest tool to expose and organize all the problems with the Star Wars® Prequels. We encourage you to read, think about, and come to your own conclusions about what we have to say in our new Star Wars® Prequel Commentary.
We also chose to train up a new generation of Gamemasters to help the dying traditions of “Pen and Paper” RPGs. To this end we started a secret Gamemaster Academy and began training new GMs to play RPGs across several RPG systems and Genres.
We have opened the door to the public, through the medium of social media, and created a Public Facebook Page for any related discussion or comments about our organization. Feel free to express your opinions about us there. On the new Facebook page, we are presently discussing our years of work on the Brian C. Daley, Z-95 Headhunter from “Han Solo at Stars' End”. Likewise, we welcome any comments and opinions about our design based on Brian C. Daley's descriptions in said novel.
We have begun the laborious work of creating a concordance of the Star Wars® Expanded Universe and plan to upload a master index with page numbers of every subject mentioned in every Star Wars® publication from December 1976 to May 18, 1999. This new concordance will allow Star Wars® researchers the ability to quickly find everything mentioned about a given subject in seconds instead of days. The first modules of this massive project will be coming soon.
Lastly after a through clean up, organizing, and revising of the site's XHTML, CSS, and Javascript, we will be resuming 3D modeling and ship production. Thank you for your patience.
— Frank V Bonura (Star Wars® Deckplans Alliance founder)Ernest Gary Gygax — July 27, 1938 - March 4, 2008
With great sadness and many regrets, we must inform the role-playing community of the passing of our beloved father Ernest Gary Gygax.
Gary was the creator of the first role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons which would form the gold standard and high bar for all other RPGs to follow and aspire to. Gary's game mechanics and rule systems would also have a pivotal influence on the video/PC gaming community as well.
Gary always had time for his fans, always had some good advice for novice DMs/GMs, and was a kind wise teacher to me and my players. I knew him well and Gygax will be sorely missed. — Frank V Bonura
Updates and progress to the new 3D model of the Ghtroc Class 440 Light Freighter have been posted.
Welcome to our tenth anniversary celebration!!! To celebrate, we have done the following:
There is more to come this year. Thank you for ten great years of your support.
We apologize for no updates in December 2007 but our busy schedule prevented such. We are looking forward to finishing most of the projects we were working on in 2007 and also hope we can finish some long dormant projects as well this year.
Next month will mark the tenth anniversary of this website. It has been a long road these last ten years, involving thousands of hours of hard work, but the rewards were worth it. Thank you everyone for years of support, input, and help. — Frank V Bonura
We have expanded the “Behind the Scenes” section of the Ghtroc Class 720 Light Freighter page. The expanded section was added to tell the complete story of how the freighter was developed and explains all of our theories and displays our study images used to complete the original deckplan back in 1999. I very much enjoyed going back reminiscing and remembering all the important details and I hope you enjoy them too. — Frank V Bonura
Old Ship Gallery has been converted to XHTML and posted.
A new Poll has been added to learn more about our visitors.
A new Poll has been added to learn more about our visitors.
All project artwork on the Gamma-class Assault Shuttle page has been updated and corrected. Decks 2 and 3 are complete and deck 1 will be completed shortly. We hope to have the ship completed for Christmas 2007.
I would like to take a moment to endorse Jonathan J. Reinhart's website The SoroSuub Corporation. He has asked for permission to use our artwork and we have added his link to our Links section.
We are back from summer break. Thank you for your patience. The About Us page and Home page have been revised, corrected, and updated. More to come this month.
Gamma-class Assault Shuttle page updated to XHTML and posted.
Happy 30th Anniversary to all!
Our new mailbox here in downtown Harrisburg is wearing an R2D2 Tuxedo so it must be time for the 30th anniversary of Star Wars®. I have been contemplating the events of the last 30 years while trying to remember important events of the Star Wars® phenomenon for this commentary. The strange thing about this anniversary is the more I think about it, the less I feel like celebrating. The last 10 years of Star Wars® have felt more like fighting a war than any sort of celebration so I have decided to crawl out of my foxhole to say a few words to our visitors. I did not want this 30th anniversary commentary to come off as negative but I suspect that is unavoidable so here I go with guns-a-blazing.
The early years of Star Wars® were truly worth celebrating. We had toys (action figures, play sets, vehicles, and Halloween costumes) , all sorts of games (board, video, and roleplaying), collectibles, cards, VHS tapes, comics, novels, and 100 other mediums to celebrate this ground breaking phenomenon of film. Perhaps what was the greatest aspect of the phenomenon were the Star Wars® fans themselves. Fans who were a community who could not get enough of Star Wars® or anything to do with it. Alas these wondrous times did not last forever.
On February 11, 1996, like a forecast of doom, we loose beloved Star Wars® novelist Brian Daley to cancer. Hence fourth it would seem Star Wars® would head in a downward spiral. Shortly after this grim news we learn George Lucas has decided to return to his long abandoned franchise and in so doing introduce some new special effects into a trilogy that redefined special effects in the first place. Initially I was excited to hear of a Star Wars® renaissance in film and the coming of three new movies but this jubilation would be short-lived.
What we wound up with are a set of revised films (The Special Editions) that changed the content of the original story (Greedo shooting first, Boba Fett appearing in Episode IV, etc.). The new special effects did more to distract the viewer from the original story, and render the scenes in the old film with a patchwork of inconsistent-looking footage as you flash back and fourth from new to old. To add insult to injury, George Lucas declares these revised films canon and further declares the cinematic originals will no longer be available for sale in any media form. Had it not been for the outrage and very vocal complaints of Star Wars® fans around the world, we might have lost the original reason we became Star Wars® fans in the first place. For those who spoke up for the re-release of the original trilogy in its original cinematic form on DVD I personally thank you.
In 1998 the trouble continues as WEST END GAMES develops financial problems and loses the licence to produce the Star Wars® Roleplaying Game. What initially seemed like bad news to us role-players, turned out to be a mixed blessing, in the long run, for some of the fans of the old WEG D6 game. The WEG D6 RPG game that ran from 1987 to 1998 would not be influenced by the events to follow and has become a refuge for those fans who embrace what Star Wars® was and not what Star Wars® has become.
We waited 16 years for some new Star Wars® movies and in 1999 it looked like our wait was over. I went to the theater to see Episode One "The Phantom Menace" and then I saw Jar Jar Binks. What made me a Star Wars® fan in 1977 was hopelessly reversed on that terrible day in 1999. I left the movie theater in what I can best describe as shock because, at the time, I did not know what to think. I went to see the movie again to be sure I was not hallucinating but alas it was even worse the second time around. The event made me very depressed having invested so much time and money in a franchise that just stalled and crashed into the ground.
At this time several of my fellow role-players decided to quit the SWRPG because they too had seen Episode One and became so disenfranchised they would have nothing to do with Star Wars®. This only compounded my depression. In the end, I decided to press on and reserve judgment until all three prequels were seen. In hindsight I ask, "why did I wait?"
Episode Two and Episode Three came and went. With each new film my displeasure only grew. I recall while watching Episode Three, with my son and he whispered to me, "will this movie be over soon?" I considered that statement to be the final nail in the Prequel coffin. As I watched these last two films, I watched George Lucas not only trample his original scripts with conflicting story elements in his new movies but also watched as parts of the Star Wars® Expanded Universe were also undermined by the events of the prequels. This heresy was punctuated with the death of Amidala. Fans had known for years that Leia, by her own admission on Endor, knew her REAL mother and she died when she was very young. Completely disgusted, I have abandoned and ignored official Star Wars® material produced after the prequels altogether. I applaud all those who have done the same for the same reasons.
Today the once unified Star Wars® community has divided into many camps. Some embrace everything George Lucas produces as artistic genius, some despise the man for what he did to his franchise, some have given up on Star Wars® completely, and there are dozens of camps that lie somewhere in between. All I can ask Mr. Lucas is "was it worth having it your way George?" I guess he has his billions and we the fans are ultimately the losers. Shame on me for expecting anything else.
So is there anything worth celebrating today at all? Yes there certainly is. You are worth celebrating!!! That's right, you fans who are reading this commentary are worth celebrating. I celebrate you for coming here to read this website and view its artwork. I celebrate those Star Wars® fans who like us have demonstrated the backbone to say "NO" to George Lucas and his Prequels. I celebrate those visitors who gain a benefit from using our resources in their personal RPG campaigns. I also celebrate those fans who found mistakes on this site and helped us to correct them. I further celebrate those who went the extra mile and have made the decision to help produce artwork with us on this site. Today I do not celebrate Star Wars® but I celebrate Star Wars® FANS! I thank you all very much for all you have done. — Frank V Bonura
Corrections and updates to all art of the Conqueror-class page posted.
In April we don't fool around, we build ships so here is what we have today.
Now the Barloz is wrapping up we have been able to get round to finalizing one of the many projects that are waiting in the hanger. — “Quint”
Happy Saint Patrick's day everyone. We found a few snakes in the Barloz and chased them out.
Barloz progress continues. Update to Deck 3 of the Barloz-class Medium Freighter posted. If you are wondering why the galley (kitchen) now appears on both decks 2 and 3, please note the galley (kitchen) on deck 2 will be removed next week because it is being permanently moved up to deck 3 to free up more cargo space and to reduce costs on other Barloz optional equipment. If all goes well you will be able to test fly this new deckplan by Friday of next week. Thank you for your patience.
Barloz progress continues. Update to Deck 3 of the Barloz-class Medium Freighter posted.
Barloz progress continues.
Barloz progress is slow but steady.
Barloz progress is slow but steady.
All artwork, descriptions, and pop-up labels are finished for Deck 2 of the Barloz-class Medium Freighter We are now moving on to deck 3 and the completion of the freighter.
These corrections are being installed on all Ghtroc models and will be rolled out as each page is converted to XHTML.
Barloz progress is slow but steady.
XHTML updates to site posted. The XHTML on the pages have been put on a diet using Javascripts for faster page loads. This should improve dial-up visitor access by about 10%. Let us know if you experience any problems or errors with the new code.
We apologize for the delays with the Barloz-class freighter. We had hoped to finish the ship for Christmas but problems with the ship compounded by the body and scope of the work proved to be too great a challenge for us so we are now shooting for January/February 2007 for the completion of the ship.
Phase Three of the Republic Engineering Corporation Defender Starfighter Page is posted. Phase Three includes the following:
Phase Two of the Republic Engineering Corporation Defender Starfighter Page is posted. Phase Two includes the following:
In keeping with our promise to provide the best roleplaying resources possible, we present you the Republic Engineering Corporation Defender Starfighter. Hallelujah!!!
You heard right we said completed. This is not a test page, not a sneak-peak, not a preview, not an update, but a completed starfighter ready to fly. Please take her out for a test flight and enjoy.
We at the "Star Wars® Deckplans Alliance" measure our successes not by the projects we start but by the projects we finish. We will continue to focus on projects that were started and abandoned until all the incomplete projects are finished. Thank you. — Frank V Bonura
We have received a request via E-mail from Lucas P to remove the R2D2 Studio Model and A-wing Studio Model from our site. Due to the fact this artwork was made mostly by Mr. Lucas P. We at the Star Wars® Deckplans Alliance will comply with Lucas P's request. This decision may seem unfair to the visitors of this site but it would be an even greater crime not to respect an artist's wishes. We will not display art that is not freely donated to this site. This organization chooses to set a good example for the fan art community so we are submitting to Mr. Pichette's request and taking down the droid and fighter. We apologize for this inconvenience and we will try to roll out some new art for your use and enjoyment this month. Thank you. — Frank V Bonura
We have added a link to our first FAQ. This link is for those interested in additional reading about the split of the "Star Wars® Deckplans Alliance" and the " Star Wars® design alliance forum. This link was temporary and was removed on October 5, 2006.
We have received a request via E-mail from Brandon Koller to remove the Sienar Fleet Systems LSA and LSA-2 scout ships from our site. Due to the fact this artwork was made exclusively by Mr. Koller We at the Star Wars® Deckplans Alliance will comply with Mr. Koller's request. This decision may seem unfair to the visitors of this site but it would be an even greater crime not to respect the original artist's wishes. This organization does not conduct itself like a band of thieves or bullies so we are submitting to Mr. Koller's request and taking down the ships. We apologize for this inconvenience and we will try to roll out some new art for your use and enjoyment this month. Thank you. — Frank V Bonura
Another question has been added to the FAQ section. More questions and answers are coming soon.
Today has been a day long coming. After months of reading and educating ourselves in XHTML, our team set forth on the task of retooling the ''Star Wars® Deckplans Alliance'' website to the newest mark up protocols of the internet. After writing thousands of lines of new code, the central infrastructure of the ''Star Wars® Deckplans Alliance'' is now revised and ready for public use. Thank you Ross Hedvicek for all of your helpful advice and client website examples to pool ideas from (long live tables!). Individual ship pages are still written in the older HTML and will be slowly updated to the newer standards in regular intervals. Look for news of them here.
The ''Star Wars® Deckplans Alliance'' website is now reborn. The changes to the site will now allow improved access to those with visual impairments, improved navigation, and improved search engine results for those searching Star Wars® subjects. The switch to XHTML and CSS will also allow us to modify the site with greater ease thus freeing up time for drawing instead of site maintenance.
In light of recent events, the policies of this domain have been expanded, revised, and clarified. We ask that you please make note of them.
The theme of the new site pays homage to ''The Star Wars® roleplaying game - Second Edition Revised and Expanded'' by West End Games. The colors and styles are all patterned after the D6 rule book of the same name. We ask that you explore and reacquaint yourselves with things new and old on the site. Welcome and enjoy! — Frank V Bonura
Due to unreconcilable differences, the ''Star Wars® Deckplans Alliance Forum'' is no longer affiliated with the ''Star Wars® Deckplans Alliance''. I personally apologize for the inconvenience to the visitors, fans, and members of both websites. The ''Star Wars® Deckplans Alliance Forum'' has been renamed to the ''Star Wars® Design Alliance Forum'' to prevent any future confusion. The ''Star Wars® Deckplan Alliance'' will continue under its original name and will continue to focus on producing roleplaying resources as it has for the last 9 years. Thank you. — Frank V Bonura
Special Thanks to Michael Slaymaker for spotting an flaw in the CorelliSpace line of ships. Corrections to "Escape Pod Mount", and major revisions to text for all CorelliSpace models posted. Thanks again Michael for all your help.
Special Thanks to Tobias B for spotting an error in the Ghtroc line of ships. Corrections to text for "Escape Pod Access", and "Pull-down Hatches" for all Ghtroc models posted. Thanks again Tobias for all your help.
Happy Valentine's Day all. What better gift to give on Valentine's Day than a nice new red landspeeder from our newest team member, Eric "Uncle Servo" Allen? The SoroSuub XP-38 Sport Landspeeder is posted in its new Speeder Gallery.
Minor corrections to Loronar SkyBlind sagittal section posted.
Happy Ground Hog's Day everyone! Yes, well, we celebrate it here in Pennsylvania. Several typos, and errors were discovered in the Ghtroc ships' ''Main Engineering Room'' descriptions. Class-720, as well as all the Ghtroc Royals were corrected, and posted. Thank you Sean Thomas for discovering this mistake.
Happy New Year to all.
Merry Christmas to all. Revisions to the artwork, and the cockpit demo on the A-wing Studio model page posted.
New logos added to Space Transport Deckplans in preparation for new projects to be rolled out.
Thank you Steven a.k.a."Grtak" for finding a mistake on the Ghtrocs.
Today is yet another day long coming, and yet another day of great celebration!
Today is yet another day long coming, and yet another day of great celebration!
Minor Corrections posted on all art for Novoil/Ghtroc Cargo Duchess and Ghtroc Cargo Empress. These revisions will be applied to all other applicable Ghtroc ships as soon as possible.
Today is yet another day long coming, and yet another day of great celebration!
Ghtroc Renaissance has begun.
Thanks to Lucas P, a critical flaw was discovered on the Ghtroc 720. Corrections to upper and lower deck posted. This critical fix will be applied to all other applicable Ghtroc ships as soon as possible.
Lucas P has designed and will be hosting a brand new forum to discuss all topics involving: Deckplans, Star Wars® gaming, Star Wars® modeling, site suggestions and requests, and anything Star Wars®. Enjoy, my fellow Star Wars® fans.
Cargo Empress is almost done.
Numerous updates and corrections to text graphics, and HTML in all things Ghtroc. Final HTML preparations for Cargo Empress are almost ready.
The Cargo Empress will be done this week, Lord willing.
Golden Age of Deckplans Begins.
''In defiance of fear and terror, we have some new art to share with the fans of Star Wars® and the world.'' — Frank V Bonura
Lucas P gives us another treatment.
''As I prepare to move to Pennsylvania, I cleaned out a bin with dozens of old floppy disks. You remember those? I found four old images from Deckplan history. I promptly added them to the Old Ship Gallery.'' — Frank V Bonura
Added text to A-wing page in Studio Model Research section.
Typo corrected on Nova-Drive 3-Z. Thank you Tobias B for spotting this error.
Guestbook deleted due to unControlable spam. We apologize for the inconvenience.
The Nova-Drive ships receive some corrections. Thank you Tyler Robbins for spotting the Black Butcher typo.
I have decided to post a preview of a project abandoned by "B.M.K.". The Alliance plans to finish both scout ships.
Major changes to E-mail policy.
Revisions to the upper deck of the Ghtroc 720 posted.
Overhaul of the Ghtroc 720 posted. The Ghtroc 720 has been brought up to present day standards in preparation for the Ghtroc royals which will be using many elements from the class 720 light freighter.
Corrections made to turbolifts on decks 4 and 5 of the Action VI Transport posted. Thank you Eric Fischer for spotting this mistake.
Starfighter gallery preview posted.
Happy New Year to all.
Merry Christmas to all. "My gift to the world this year is the completed Loronar SkyBlind. The SkyBlind project was started in December of 1999. I have been working on it on and off for 5 years, and now it is done. Thank you for your patience. I will now move on to other incomplete projects." — Frank V Bonura
Artwork for the Loronar SkyBlind revised on many decks and exterior, posted.
Corrected Krupx MG7 proton torpedo launcher in "Ship Systems". Thank you Lucas P for spotting this one.
Lucas P Corrected and revised the site banner. Revision posted.
Corrected spelling error in Novoil/Ghtroc. Thank you Tanaka Amun for spotting this one.
Overhaul for the Loronar SkyBlind almost completed. New turbolift is installed. Progress on decks 3-7 posted.
Site history expanded, and clarified. Thanks to Eric a.k.a. "Uncle Servo" a.k.a. "BorgOmatic" Allen for his inspiration to expand the site history.
Updates and corrections to text, various decks, and landing sphere of the Loronar SkyBlind posted.
Han Solo shot first, not Greedo. Mr. George Lucas, please give your public what it desires. Mr. George Lucas, please provide us with the 1977, 1980, and 1983 versions of the Star Wars® trilogy in DVD format. Allow your loyal fans to relive the dreams and wonder of our childhood, not your "New Vision" (read: "New Order").
I am pleased to announce that Lucas P of Lucas Technical Design has joined our team and is currently working on the exterior views of the Bluescale Corellian Corvette (CR-90) project.
Updates to DECK 3 and minor corrections to most other decks on the Loronar SkyBlind posted.
Updates to various art and text on the Loronar SkyBlind posted.
Updates to the mid-sagittal section, DECK 2, and text on the Loronar SkyBlind posted.
When the banner for this site was made, I was designing ships by myself. This is no longer the case. This site has become a place for many artists to expand on the Star Wars® Universe. We have out grown the old banner, and now a new one takes its place. The banner reflects the birth of an alliance, a Deckplan Alliance.
Revised front view and Deck 1 on the Barloz Medium Freighter.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. Corrections to credits on INCOM A-24 Sleuth posted. Thank you very much Mike Vilardi for spotting this mistake, and thank you for visiting our site.
Pearl Harbor Day: Let us forgive, but never forget the price we paid this day.
Corrections to lower deck, and updates to text on Ghtroc Cargo Empress posted.
It is not often a teacher gets to see a pupil learn quickly. Rarer still to see a pupil learn so much they begin to grow beyond the teacher. With great pride I introduce the hard work of Brandon Koller. Behold the new CEC Barloz-Class Medium Freighter. I encourage you to give him praise, he has earned it. There is still hope for the future of the D6 Star Wars® Role Playing Game. Preview is posted in CEC.
Minor corrections to the MandalMotors Pursuer posted.
Corrected text in the Mike Marincic Gallery. "I mistakenly gave credit to Mike for developing the stock Firespray-class deckplan. Stephen Templar, a.k.a. Stephen McLain, was the designer of this deckplan. I apologize to my visitors and to Steve for this mix up. My team is not afraid of its mistakes, nor is not afraid to apologize for them - unlike some other to-remain-nameless deckplan designers.” - Frank V Bonura
Corrections, and updates to decks 2, and 3 of the Action VI posted.
Deck 2 of the Action VI completed with text.
Corrections, and updates to decks 1, 2, 3, and text of the Action VI posted.
Corrections, and updates to decks 2, 5, 6, 9, and exterior of the Action VI posted.
Updates to decks 2, 6, and 8 of the Action VI posted.
Added Mike Marincic Gallery to "Vessels" section to pay homage and tribute to this talented artist who influenced my work.
Updates and corrections to all art and text of the Action VI posted.
Updates to Deck 8 of Action VI posted. Deck 9 of Action VI posted.
Sorry for taking so long to update. Ross Hedvicek and I have been moving mountains. Major update to Action VI posted.
Moon Swing Chronicles added to links section.
Progress to deck 2 of the CEC Action VI posted.
Ghtroc Cargo Empress preview posted. Deckplans will be completed this month.
Z Series Escape Pod finished and added to Nova-Drive. Thank you Brandon for all your hard work.
More corrections to Nova-Drive 3-Z text. Thank you “Grtak” for spotting this one.
Minor correction to Nova-Drive 3-Z text. Thanks to Shawn Fike for spotting this one.
Nova-Drive 3-Z is completed. Praise the LORD! I will try to focus on incomplete projects for the summer.
Progress on all views of the Nova-Drive 3-Z posted. We are trying to resolve a few remaining problems with the ship.
Concept art from the Nova-Drive 3-Z project posted in the Ship Systems gallery.
Progress on the interior and exterior of the Nova-Drive 3-Z posted. The Nova-Drive 3-Z is almost completed and I expect it to be done by next week. You can start test flying the latest update even though its incomplete.
Pursuer-Class Preview posted in MandalMotors with stats. A Deckplan preview is still months away.
Progress on the interior and exterior of the Nova-Drive 3-Z posted.
Errors found on the wing deck of the Chubby Gundark. Corrections posted.
Two new surveys posted in the "Web Polls" section. Please cast your vote.
Progress on the interior of the Nova-Drive 3-Z posted.
Progress on all views of the Loronar SkyBlind and Nova-Drive 3-Z posted.
Deckplan progress for the Nova-Drive 3-Z posted.
Metric scale bars added to, and text changed on ALL decks and views of the Chubby Gundark
I have been very busy. Sorry for taking so long to update. New members have joined my design team, and I am helping them to get organized.
Due to numerous requests, I plan to focus heavily on the Baudo Star Yacht once I finish the SkyBlind. The Baudo Star Yacht is the most requested ship in both the web poll and personal requests, so I will try to finish it next. Revisions to the 3-Z exterior are posted.
Tactical Deckplans have been mothballed due to a weak response from visitors. I have added a metric overlay grid to the "Legend" section of the site with printing instructions. I will be slowly adding a new metric scale bar to the deckplans for those who need a metric scale. The Ghtroc 720 is the first to receive the new scale bars.
Due to numerous requests for a metric scale on my ships and a more traditional grid-style deckplan, I have developed the Tactical Deckplan. Do not fear, my original color deckplans are not changing or leaving. The new metric scale grid-style deckplans will be placed above (next to) the color deckplans. I am also thinking of adding callouts on the Tactical Deckplans for added clarity. The first ship to get these new deckplans is the lower deck of the Ghtroc 720. Check them out and let me know if you like them, or if I should change them.
Happy New Year to all.
Revisions to Docking Deck text on Chubby Gundark posted. Revised Sagittal section on Chubby Gundark posted.
Pearl Harbor Day: Progress to deck 4 of the SkyBlind Scout posted.
Minor revisions and corrections to Chubby Gundark text posted.
Minor revisions to decks 1 thru 7 of the SkyBlind Scoutship posted.
Revisions to Chubby Gundark continue based on input from Jim Anderson. Revised subdeck and mid-sagittal section posted.
Major revisions to Chubby Gundark decks exterior and text as we continue refine the ship. Jim Anderson is asked to perform final inspection on the Chubby Gundark to maintain consistency with the comics.
Decks 1 thru 5 posted with new views and sections for the Chubby Gundark. We are almost done. Brandon Koller joins project SkyBlind, and begins to help me finish the scoutship.
Updates to the Loronar SkyBlind posted. Decks 5, 6, and, 7 of the Loronar SkyBlind posted. Not much to see on decks 5, 6, and, 7, but you can at least see where the project is going.
Stats added to Ghtroc 720. I will slowly add D6 stats to all my deckplans for visitor convenience.
INCOM Sleuth models: A-24, A-24P, and A-24E completed. Praise The Lord! I will now try to finish the Loronar SkyBlind.
Added The Accuser, a modified Ghtroc 720 Light Freighter. An old and very obsolete version of the Gymsnor-3 was added to the "Old Ship Gallery".
Revised Ghtroc 720 text. Added information about Ghtroc fire control rooms. Thank you ilyssa for finding this mistake. Progress on deck 2 of the SkyBlind posted.
Fourth visit to "The Magic of Myth" Exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum of Art. Extensive photos taken of the Millennium Falcon, Slave I, and the Shuttle Tyderium (Lambda-Class).
Progress on the INCOM A-24 Sleuth posted.
Added age poll to learn more about my visitors.
Completed Baudo Star Yacht exterior.
Second visit to "The Magic of Myth" Exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum of Art. Photos taken there are used to begin the new YT series deckplans in "Red Scale". Work on the Millennium Falcon deckplans begun on that night. Preview coming soon.
First visit to "The Magic of Myth" Exhibition at the Brooklyn Museum of Art. Test photos taken for research.